Thursday, August 27, 2009


I have been sick the past couple weeks with an illness called chikungunya. You can Wikipedia it. I had never heard of it either, but it's a virus that is spread by mosquitos... similar to dengue fever, but no rash. Instead it attacks your joints and totally wipes you out of any semblance of energy to live, breathe, get out of bed.... After a week of intense pain (think labor - no exaggeration - I've gone through it 3 times with no epidurals) I'm now "better" but I have very little energy. They say it can take a couple MONTHS to feel "normal" again.

Trouble is Brant is now sick. I'll spare you the gory details, but he got an amoeba, which does a nasty number on your digestive track. So we're both kinda out of it and the poor little boys just kinda run and play around us as we lie around sick.

So, I'm killing time til it's late enough to go to bed at a respectable hour. :) Thought I'd add a couple pics from life of late.

Elijah is growing up so fast. He'll be 5 next month... when did he turn into a little boy with a personality of his own? He likes to "help" with Ezra....

Elijah in his "boat" listening to his iPod... yes, I know a bit extravagant for a 4 year old to have (it's one of the small cheap ones) ...but it has saved us a boatload in not having to haul his 50 million kids' CDs around the planet. :) Plus he sits for hours totally still and quiet listening to "his" music.


  1. good thing Elijah likes to help because that is a large baby....hope you guys feel better soon

  2. 3 births and NO epidural??? I forgot how completely AMAZING you are! So sorry you're sick - I can't imagine trying to care for kids when you have that. Praying & missing you like crazy:)
