Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So, Brant read my latest post on raising the little boys and he commented "you don't pull any punches" which is his way of saying I might have been a little harsh... not trying to say AT ALL that moms in America with Cheerios and applesauce and nice carpeted floors have no problems or worries raising their kids... I read internet news and am so thankful for so many things I don't have to worry about here. And not trying to say at all that I don't like my little boys or that I don't thank the Lord daily for the privilege of raising them. Just being honest... it's hard to be a mom sometimes and just because I'm a missionary doesn't mean I'm on some "easy parenting track" with God. :)

And, truth be told, I always wanted to be a missionary - before I was married and a mom. So some days it's hard to be a mom and let Brant be the missionary. But I remember that this is a season and God has me here in this country with these boys... to serve Him however He sees fit... and despite how hard it can be at times to raise little boys... I will miss it.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, you are so funny:) I loved your post about how hard it is to raise kids. I think a lot of parents are embarrassed to say kids are difficult and that they struggle with parenthood...like it is a personal failure to want to sleep through the night.
    I have only 2 kiddos and live in a land where Cheerios are plentiful (in fact, I have three different kinds in my kitchen right now) and I struggle daily with just the simple things...getting dressed, making dinner ect.
    I can't imagine how difficult it is for you guys over there. And I thinks it's really healthy that you "admit" that it is difficult and don't sugar coat your experiences. I love that about you. Love the blog, too!
    Love, Katie
