Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dancing the blues away

So I'm using my time as a single mom to influence my boys' in ways their father would not approve. :)

Brant is gone into Nduga land for 5 days, with two other guys who are moving into the tribe in the coming months. They needed to pick house sites, measure out an airstrip and search for usable water sources, among other things. Brant went along, mostly for the experience, but also because there is a slim possibility we might join this team.

So the boys and I are on day 3 of him being gone. :P Do not like it at all. We're doing okay - and I'm having some triumphant moments - like getting us all out the door before 8:30 this morning (8:29!), so I could be at our weekly town team meeting (which starts at 8:30 - but I tried!) I had never driven all 3 boys by myself before and am happy to say we are all still alive.

I've been trying to keep us really busy and doing lots of fun things to keep our minds off missing Brant. Poor Caleb really misses Brant - any time we go anywhere - whether outside or to the meeting this morning or to the library (after the meeting), he spends the first several minutes running around "Daddy? Daddy here?" - looking for Brant.

For the most part it's been working, except that I really miss Brant. I didn't realize how much I just enjoy sharing the day with him - all the funny things the boys do, all the news we get via email, and all the random things I need to tell him (yard worker's dad died, hosting the town team meeting next week, etc) Today Elijah was giving Ezra a pre-bedtime hug and kiss and said "Mom, I like Ezra. Let's keep him forever." Will I remember to tell Brant that on Thursday when I see him again? (Probably yes, now that I've written it down, but you get the point....)

Anyways, tonight during blueberry pancakes and pineapple, we were listening to old techno music and started dancing all crazy in our chairs. It was really fun, spontaneous and incredible non-sense. So after dinner, we had a "dance party" which consisted of me spinning the little boys around and them crashing into each other. Brant hates to dance... though he does try for my sake. So I have determined that my boys are going to know how to dance and be confident in it.... so working on starting early while Dad's not around. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha! Yes, teach them young! Dance parties are such grand fun:)
